Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No

This is an introductory course for Digital Accessibility, explaining its importance both legally and morally in the University of St Andrews. 

Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No

Welcome to this course on Disability Awareness and Inclusive Practice. This course is designed to provide an introduction to disability types and the impact they have on students as they study and live in St Andrews. It will explore how we can better support our students, anticipate need, and ultimately be more inclusive.

This is very much an introduction, designed to equip all staff with a ground grounding in disability awareness and best practice in supporting students. It is aimed at all staff, recognising the importance of a holistic view of the disabled student journey.

Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No

Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No
Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No
Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No
Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No
Course Type: Other Courses
Shared Course: No
Feeder Course: No